Friday, March 1, 2013

What? Me Worry? Never...

For those who know me well, you know that I am a worrier.  I worry about the small stuff, I worry about the big stuff, and, of course, I worry about all the stuff in the middle. 

This week, when I was worrying about something happening to the courtesy car we had while our car was in getting fixed, my husband gave me some words of wisdom.  He basically said that if you worry about something, chances are it will happen.  

Tonight, I also read this little tidbit:  99% of what you worry about will  never come to happen and the other 1% you can do nothing about anyway

So, armed with those two bits of wisdom, I'm going to try to stop worrying.  As the song lyric goes...Always look on the bright side of life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Turning I Can't into I Can

Over the years (especially the last 11 1/2 years), I have often told myself, "You can't do that, you broke both legs" or "You've never done that, why bother?"  But that is not positive thinking.  

I recently started going to a new chiropractor, and both he and his office staff are great.  Every time I mention to any of them that I'm thinking of doing something, or wondering if I will be able to do something, they are very supportive.  One phrase that has really stuck out has been "The only limitations you have are the ones that you put on yourself."  

As I was composing this, I saw the following on Facebook, and thought that the message applies in this situation as well.

As I work towards my goals, I will likely have people who don't think I can or should be doing them.  But I need to do things for me, not for others.  

Below, are some of the things that I would like to accomplish.  I will not set any "deadlines" on them, because if I do not accomplish them but a set date, then I won't really feel like I've succeeded.

  • Run a marathon
  • Go ice skating
  • Go rollerblading
  • Join a bowling league
  • Curl (even just a game)