Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Give Up

You'll notice that I've taken my 101 in 1001 list off of my blog. I've made the decision not to continue with the list at this time. I was beginning to feel very overwhelmed by some of the items on my list, and felt that they were ones that would never get completed. Some of the items on my list did get completed, but they were the simple ones that I put on there.

Instead, what I'm going to try to do is to set daily and weekly goals for myself. If I get a chance, I'll post them on here at the beginning of the week, and report back as to how they went.

I'm still feeling very frustrated about everything. Sometimes I just don't know what to do.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

4 of 52 (a couple of days late)

I had purposely put off writing this week's update, cause I knew I had an Eye Specialist appointment on Monday, and figured I would do my post on Monday night. But I spend most of Monday night talking to my sisters and my parents to let them know how the appointment went. Then last night, I vegged in front of the TV all night, so I didn't get it done last night either.

Last week went pretty good, except for the computer at work. It started acting up again on Monday, and by about noon, it had crashed (AGAIN). So my boss took it into the shop, and we didn't get it back until Thursday morning. It worked OK for about an hour until I tried to install the printer, and then it crashed again, so back to the shop it went. This time while it was in the shop, they discoved that it was a defect in the hard drive, and they replaced the computer for free (we only purchased it at the end of March). So that was stressful to watch all my work pile up, and not be able to do any of it.

As I mentioned earlier in my post, I had an Eye Specialist appointment on monday. It was discoved quite a few years ago that my IOP pressures were higher than then they should be. At that time, I was put on glaucoma drops (I don't have glaucoma, but that is what they use to get the pressures down). I was on the drops for a couple of years, though I'm horrible at remembering to put them in. After a while, the pressures went down (even though I had forgotten to put the drops in for quite a while), so I went off of the drops. Back in March of this year, I got my eyes checked, and the pressures were back up again (even higher than they were before), so I was refered to an Eye Specialist again. I was again put on glaucoma drops, but I kept forgetting to put them in. When I went for my follow up on Monday, the pressures were still as high as they had been the previous appointment. The specialist made the suggestion that I get SLT done, which has an 70 - 80% success rate, and then I won't have to worry about remembering to put drops in everyday. So, I get my right eye done on July 21 and my left eye done on August 13.

That's about all that is new here.